Our three-day ServiceNow® IT Service Management (ITSM) Implementation Fundamentals course provides a comprehensive foundation for the successful implementation of ITSM solutions on the Now platform in order to efficiently and effectively organise IT service processes within the company.
It focuses on basic skills, security aspects and the architecture of the ITSM applications and processes Incident Management, Problem Management, Change Management, Service Catalogue and Request Management and Service Portfolio Management. Information on Configuration Management (including the Common Service Data Model) and Release Management and their use to support the above ITSM applications and processes is also provided in this training.
You will be perfectly prepared for the ServiceNow® Certified System Administrator exam - we will provide you with a voucher for the ServiceNow® exam.
The prerequisites for participation in the ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) Implementation Training are
Further information on the ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) Implementation Training can be found on the NowLearning Plattform von ServiceNow® [EXTERN].
After successfully completing the ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) Implementation Training, you will receive a voucher that you can use to register for the Certified System Administrator exam. The certificate confirms that the holder of the certificate has the skills and the necessary knowledge to quickly and successfully deploy the desired ITSM solution within the Now platform.
To conduct the exam, ServiceNow® works with Kryterion and uses its web assessor platform for exam registration. The exam can then be taken either on-site at Kryterion test centres or online anywhere, while a Kryterion proctor monitors the exam date. To register for an exam, you need to create a Webassessor account and then link it to your Now Learning account.
The exam consists of 60 questions - multiple choice in single and multiple choice - in English, which must be answered within 90 minutes.
Our courses are interactive and not Power Point events - because this is the only way to ensure lasting learning success. For this reason, we use various methods in our ServiceNow ITSM Fundamentals training courses to break up the learning content and at the same time simulate its application in practice.
So that you can reproduce all the work steps, they are not only demonstrated, but you are also encouraged to implement them independently on your computer. For example, incidents and changes are created and edited by the course participants, and the customisation of forms and fields is also part of the training.
Learn about the lifecycles of ITSM processes in ServiceNow® online or on-site in 2 days.
The training provides a comprehensive foundation for the management and optimisation of IT services using the Now platform as well as necessary information on other applications of the platform, such as Configuration and Knowledge Management and the ServiceNow ITSM Professional Suite.
You would like to introduce or deepen ServiceNow® in your company together with your colleagues? Our trainers can also support you on-site and conduct the training and certification with you in your company or at a location of your choice.
On request, we will put together a tailored offer for the training of your employee:s - just contact us via our contact form.