Want to learn more about Customer Service Management and Field Service Management or see how the Customer Experience 2021 and beyond can be designed in ServiceNow®? In our free live webinar, which you can watch here in the recording, our experts Tom Flipse and Max Kauer-Henze provide insights around the topic.
Using a retail use case as an example, the webinar shows which options retailers have for reporting faults, how agents of a service provider can work specifically on cases with the Agent Workspace and at the same time keep an eye on connections to contracts and planned maintenance. There will also be a look at the mobile functionality that field service agents can use to make their working day more effective.
The webinar is aimed at service providers in the retail industry. This includes customer care, customer service and innovation managers as well as agents. Retailers will also be shown how they can benefit from interacting with service providers who use ServiceNow®.
See what options customers have to report disruptions towards service providers, online store or suppliers.
Learn how ServiceNow® provides you with all relevant customer data at a glance to deliver proactive customer service.
Neither field service employees, nor customers, nor managers of a service team are on their laptops around the clock. Learn how you can use the mobile functionalities to get mobile access to your information.
VP Capability Management
In our Customer Service Management Workshop, you will learn the core elements of Customer Service Management (roles, case handling, supporting platform functionalities) within one day.
The course also prepares participants without prior ServiceNow® knowledge for the handling of cases and shows you how to optimize your customer service from the request to the solution.
The ServiceNow® Reporting workshop is a two-day workshop that enables you to implement your own KPI's for ITSM processes in the form of reports and dashboards in ServiceNow®.
Here we will learn about the out-of-the-box functionality as well as some advanced features of reporting in ServiceNow® and how attractive reports can be customized and created according to your requirements.
During this one-day workshop, you will learn how to create a widget as well as tips and tricks for using the ServiceNow® Service Portal.
The main goal of this workshop is to enable you to create your own widgets. Furthermore, you will learn how the Contextual Search in combination with the Knowledge Base can strengthen the self-service.
With our Customer Service Management (CSM) services, we help service organizations to work in a customer-centered and efficient manner, with the aim of increasing customer loyalty and ensuring optimal services.